Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl.
Rub the fats into it until the mixture resembles fine crumbs.
Add just enough cold water to mix to a dough that leaves the bowl clean. Leave the pastry to rest in a polythene bag in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
Turn the oven to 400°F, whilst the oven is heating up toast the pecans for 10 minutes stirring occasionally.
Roll the pastry out and place in a pie dish that has been dusted with cornflour.
Blind bake for 10 minutes.
Melt the butter and mix together with the maple syrup, sugar, eggs, chocolate chips, orange juice and rind.
Fold in the pecans, you can chop them in half if desired.
Pour the filling into the pie crust and bake for 1 hour. The pie is ready if it does not wobble at the outer edges when you twist the dish.