Keep the stove on medium heat.
In a small pot, melt the butter on the stove.
Once the butter is melted add the cheese, sugar, cardamom, almonds and mix them together with a spatula or wooden spoon.
Sprinkle the powdered milk on top until you see it solidifying.
Don't make it too hard or soft.
Amount of powdered milk can vary to your desire, (approx. 3 cups).
Once all the milk is in, keep stirring and cook it for 5 more minutes.
Don't let it burn!
Place it in a square, well-greased dish and put it in the fridge to cool.
After a few hours, once it is firm, cut it into 2"x2" squares or diamonds with a knife.
Remove carefully with spatula and serve it in a pretty dish.
Optional: Sprinkle tops with more ground almonds for decoration.
Satisfies your sugar cravings!